Talk abstracts

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Time Presenter Title PI
Thursday 01:30-02:30pmCatherine Drennan
Shake, Rattle, & Roll: Capturing Snapshots of Ribonucleotide Reductase Catherine Drennan
Thursday 09:35-09:55amDmitri Kudryashov
Just enough: the right level of plastin’s sensitivity to calcium for strong bones. Dmitri Kudryashov
Thursday 11:30-11:45amKevin Walsh
A Comparison of Histo-Chemical and Histo-Magnetic Detection of Iron Gunjan Agarwal
Thursday 10:15-10:30amMarissa Boyer
Towards Solving the Structure of Inner Ear and Synaptic Proteins, Cadherin-23 and Calsyntenins 1-3 Marcos Sotomayor
Thursday 11:00-11:15amAntonia Duran
Fragment based lead discovery for alternative BET family targeting Mark P. Foster
Thursday 10:30-10:45amMichael Darcy
Nanoscale application and measurement of high force using DNA origami nanocalipers Michael Poirier
Thursday 11:15-11:30amElan Shatoff
Single nucleotide polymorphisms affect RNA-protein interactions at a distance through modulation of RNA secondary structures Ralf Bundschuh
Thursday 11:45-12:00pmJaehoon Yang
A theoretical study of polymorphism in VQIVYK fibrils Sherwin J. Singer
Thursday 09:55-10:15amVicki Wysocki
Complementarity of Native MS and CryoEM Vicki Wysocki