Poster abstracts

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Number Presenter Title PI
7Diana Lopez
Hybrid DNA-protein devices and assemblies for quantitative force measurements Carlos Castro Marcos Sotomayor
14Brian Caldwell
Oligomeric complexes formed by the Redβ single strand annealing protein in its different DNA bound states Charles Bell
21Sean Steinke
Dependence of dual active Ru(II) polypyridyl complexes on DNA intercalation for photochemotherapy Claudia Turro
19Umidahan Djakbarova
Spatiotemporal regulation of clathrin containing adhesion complexes in proliferating and quiescent cells Comert Kural
23Sabat Gonzalez-Serrano
Biophysical characterization of Npu split intein self-cleaving purification tag David Wood
22Harper Smith
Probing Plastin Autoregulation with Targeted Molecular Dynamics Dmitri Kudryashov
11Ruiqi Wu
Ultrafast catalytic mechanism of fatty acid photodecarboxylase Dongping Zhong
20Eric Hantz
Determining calcium binding to cardiac troponin C using the ONIOM Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM) hybrid method Dr. Steffen Lindert
15Robert Patton
PYM acts to maintain normal exon junction complex binding and function Guramrit Singh
16Joe Hazel
Biophysical investigation of the reactivity of the heterobimetallic Mn/Fe cofactor in R2lox Hannah S. Shafaat
13Amber Hendricks
Reconstitution of human lipoyl synthase using [2Fe-2S] cluster trafficking proteins James Cowan
5Claire Hoffman
Synthesis and characterization of PET imaging agents for diagnosis and staging of Parkinson’s disease Jeff Kuret
6Elizabeth Jergens
DNA-caged Polymer Nanocomposites for Erasable Fluorescence Imaging Jessica Winter
18Jonathan P. Kitzrow
Impact of transcription start site heterogeneity on HIV-1 5′UTR structure and conformational dynamics Karin Musier-Forsyth
3Krishna Chinthalapudi
Structural Basis of Mechanosensation in Nonmuscle Myosins Krishna Chinthalapudi
10Collin Nisler
The Evolutionary Biophysics of a Force-Conveying Protein Complex Required for Vertebrate Hearing Marcos Sotomayor
17Kyle Crocker
A quantitative model of temperature actuated DNA origami nanocaliper constructs Ralf Bundschuh
2Sarah Heissler
Structural insights into disease-causing mutations in human nonmuscle myosin-2A Sarah Heissler
12Tianqi Guo
Progress report on characterizing the stability of 1,000 repacked variants of a four-helix bundle protein Thomas J. Magliery
4Allyson Langley
High-Throughput Methods of Analyzing Beta-Sheet Protein Stability Thomas Magliery
8Nicholas Horvath
Resolving complex macromolecular assemblies via orbitrap-SID coupled single-particle charge detection native mass spectrometry Vicki H. Wysocki
9Andrew Norris
Characterization of the nucleoprotein complex Red&beta by native mass spectrometry Vicki Wysocki
1William Ray
The Bio/Life-Sciences need better visualization of statistical network structures William C. Ray