2010 OSU Molecular Life Sciences
Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium






Talk abstracts

Click on a title to see the abstract, on a header to sort by the respective column, or here for all abstracts.

Time Presenter Title PI
Thursday 09:00-09:30amChuck Bell
An electrostatic ratchet mechanism for processivity of λ exonuclease Charles Bell
Thursday 09:30-10:00amSherwin Singer
A Theoretical View of Thymine Cyclobutane Dimer Repair
Thursday 10:20-10:35amKristen Funk
Granulovacuolar degeneration and autophagy in Alzheimer's disease Jeff Kuret
Thursday 10:35-10:50amYadira Malavez
Title not published online Andrea I. Doseff
Thursday 10:50-11:05amDavid Huss
TGF-&beta enhances Th1 cell activation while promoting self-regulation via interleukin-10 Amy E. Lovett-Racke
Thursday 11:05-11:20amJessica Brown
Title not published online Zucai Suo
Thursday 11:20-11:35amIan Kleckner
Donut Dynamics: Time-Dependent Structure, Thermodynamics and Kinetics Upon Tryptophan-binding in the Donut-Shaped Protein TRAP Mark P. Foster
Thursday 11:35-11:50amBhalchandra Rao
Title not published online Jane E. Jackman
Thursday 11:50-12:05pmJiwei Huang
Multispectral imaging of cutaneous tissue oxygen Ronald Xu
Thursday 12:05-12:20pmShahid Rameez
Vesicle Encapsulated Hemoglobin Dispersions as an Oxygen Carrying Solution. Andre F Palmer
Thursday 03:00-03:30pmSusan Cole
Post-transcriptional regulation of Lunatic fringe is essential during vertebrate segmentation
Thursday 04:00-04:15pmWen-Yi Chen
Division of labor among the protein subunits of archaeal RNase P, a catalytic ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex Dr. Venkat Gopalan
Thursday 04:00-04:15pmYadwinder Deol
Tumor suppressive effects of Psoriasin (S100A7) in ERα+ breast cancer cells are mediated through β-catenin/TCF4 pathway Ramesh K. Ganju
Thursday 04:00-04:15pmYing Xu
Lengthening-contractions in isolated myocardium impact force development and worsen cardiac contractile function in the mdx mouse model of muscular dystrophy Paul M.L. Janssen
Thursday 04:15-04:30pmHui-Yi Chu
Genome-wide Investigations of Translating mRNAs to Study the Cellular Functions of the tRNA Retrograde Pathway in S. cerevisiae. Anita K Hopper
Thursday 04:15-04:30pmSayantanee Biswas
Protocadherin-19 and N-cadherin co-operate to mediate cell adhesion and cell migration during neurulation James D. Jontes
Thursday 04:15-04:30pmHaritha Mathsyaraja
Title not published online Michael C. Ostrowski
Thursday 04:30-04:45pmChristopher Jones
A tRNALys3-like element in the HIV-1 genome 5´-UTR assists in priming of reverse transcription Karin Musier-Forsyth
Thursday 04:30-04:45pmUrmila Santanam
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia modeled in mouse by targeted miR-29 expression Carlo M Croce
Thursday 04:30-04:45pmLindsay Wallace
Developing RNAi therapy for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy Scott Harper
Thursday 04:45-05:00pmMansi Arora
Changes in chromatin ubiquitination in the Human Genome through the Cell Cycle Jeffrey D. Parvin
Thursday 04:45-05:00pmBrian Maxwell
Global Conformational dynamics of a model Y-family DNA polymerase Zucai Suo
Thursday 04:45-05:00pmSukhinder Sandhu
MicroRNA 17~92 transgenic mouse: a model to study the role of miRs in B cell development and their malignancies and miR-inhibitor based therapies. Carlo M. Croce
Thursday 05:00-05:15pmTabatha Simmons
Epistasis analysis of BDNF and markers on 13q21 narrow down the critical region for the SLI3 locus, which increases susceptibility to specific language impairment in extended pedigrees. C. W. Bartlett
Thursday 05:00-05:15pmSarah Javaid
Nucleosome Remodeling by hMSH2-hMSH6 Richard Fishel
Thursday 05:00-05:15pmAnthony Popkie
A Novel Gsk-3-Dependent Mechanism Regulates DNA Methylation of Imprinted Genes Christopher Phiel
Thursday 05:15-05:30pmRavindra Amunugama
ATP cap controls RAD51 structural transitions required for strand exchange Richard Fishel
Thursday 05:15-05:30pmJeff Joyner
Selective catalytic cleavage of the HIV-1 rev response element by Cu-ATCUN-Rev metallopeptides James A. Cowan
Thursday 05:15-05:30pmStephane Gabilly
Plastid biogenesis requires the operation of a trans-thylakoid thio-reducing pathway. Patrice Hamel