2010 OSU Molecular Life Sciences
Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium






Thursday, May 20
Session I: Opening and invited oral session I (Cartoon meeting room)
08:45-09:00amWelcome - the IGP directors
09:00-09:30amAn electrostatic ratchet mechanism for processivity of λ exonuclease
Jinjin Zhang, Kimberly McCabe, Charles E. Bell
Ohio State Biochemistry Program, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Ohio State University
09:30-10:00amA Theoretical View of Thymine Cyclobutane Dimer Repair
Ali A. Hassanali, Tanping Li, Sherwin J. Singer
Biophysics Program, Department of Chemistry, Ohio State University
10:00-10:20amCoffee break
Session II: Plenary contributed session (Cartoon meeting room)
10:20-10:35amGranulovacuolar degeneration and autophagy in Alzheimer's disease
Kristen E. Funk, Jeff A. Kuret
MCDB, Center for Molecular Neurobiology, Ohio State University
10:35-10:50amTitle not published online - please see printed booklet
Yadira Malavez, Oliver H. Voss, Maria B. Federico, Hassan Kamram, Bledi Brahimaj
MCDB, Department of Molecular Genetics, Ohio State University
10:50-11:05amTGF-&beta enhances Th1 cell activation while promoting self-regulation via interleukin-10
David J. Huss, Ryan C. Winger, Haiyan Peng, Yuhong Yang, Michael K. Racke, Amy E. Lovett-Racke
MCDB, Molecular Virology, Immunology, and Medical Genetics, Ohio State University
11:05-11:20amTitle not published online - please see printed booklet
Jessica A. Brown, Lindsey R. Pack, Jason D. Fowler, Zucai Suo
OSBP, Department of Biochemistry, Ohio State University
11:20-11:35amDonut Dynamics: Time-Dependent Structure, Thermodynamics and Kinetics Upon Tryptophan-binding in the Donut-Shaped Protein TRAP
Ian R. Kleckner, Joseph R. Sachleben, Paul Gollnick, Philipp Neudecker and Lewis Kay, Mark Foster
Biophysics Program, Department of Biochemistry, Ohio State University
11:35-11:50amTitle not published online - please see printed booklet
Bhalchandra S. Rao, Jane E. Jackman
MCDB, Department of Biochemistry, Ohio State University
11:50-12:05pmMultispectral imaging of cutaneous tissue oxygen
Jiwei Huang, Evert Qin, Dr. Jeff Xu, Dr. Ronald Xu
Biophysics Program, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Ohio State University
12:05-12:20pmVesicle Encapsulated Hemoglobin Dispersions as an Oxygen Carrying Solution.
Shahid Rameez, Andre F Palmer
OSBP, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Ohio State University
Session III: Lunch and poster session (Great Hall meeting room)
12:30-02:00pmBoxed lunches
12:30-01:45pmEven-numbered posters present
01:45-03:00pmOdd-numbered posters present
Session IV: Invited oral session II (Cartoon meeting room)
03:00-03:30pmPost-transcriptional regulation of Lunatic fringe is essential during vertebrate segmentation
Susan Cole
MCDB, Department of Molecular Genetics, Ohio State Univeristy
03:30-04:00pmCoffee break
Session V: Parallel contributed sessions I, II,and III(Satellite rooms)
04:00-04:15pmDivision of labor among the protein subunits of archaeal RNase P, a catalytic ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex
Wen-Yi Chen, Deepali Singh, Venkat Gopalan
MCDB, Department of Biochemistry, Ohio State University
04:00-04:15pmTumor suppressive effects of Psoriasin (S100A7) in ERα+ breast cancer cells are mediated through β-catenin/TCF4 pathway
Yadwinder S. Deol, Mohd W. Nasser, Ramesh K. Ganju
MCDB, Depatrtment of Pathology, Ohio State University
04:00-04:15pmLengthening-contractions in isolated myocardium impact force development and worsen cardiac contractile function in the mdx mouse model of muscular dystrophy
Ying Xu, Dawn A. Delfin, Jill A. Rafael-Fortney, Paul M.L. Janssen
MCDB, Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, Ohio State University
04:15-04:30pmGenome-wide Investigations of Translating mRNAs to Study the Cellular Functions of the tRNA Retrograde Pathway in S. cerevisiae.
Hui-Yi Chu, Anita K. Hopper
MCDB, Department of Molecular Genetics, Ohio State Univeristy
04:15-04:30pmProtocadherin-19 and N-cadherin co-operate to mediate cell adhesion and cell migration during neurulation
Sayantanee Biswas, Michelle R. Emond
MCDB, Center for Molecular Neurobiology & Department of Neuroscience, Ohio State University
04:15-04:30pmTitle not published online - please see printed booklet
Haritha Mathsyaraja, Michael C. Ostrowski
MCDB, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Ohio State University
04:30-04:45pmA tRNALys3-like element in the HIV-1 genome 5´-UTR assists in priming of reverse transcription
Christopher P Jones, Jenan Saadatmand, Lawrence Kleiman, Karin Musier-Forsyth
OSBP, Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Center for Retroviral Research, and Center for RNA Biology, Ohio State University
04:30-04:45pmChronic lymphocytic leukemia modeled in mouse by targeted miR-29 expression
Urmila Santanam, Nicola Zanesi, Alexey Efanov, Stefan Costinean, Alexey Palamarchuk, John Hagan, Stefano Volinia, Hansjuerg Alder, Laura Rassenti, Thomas Kipps,, Carlo M Croce, Yuri Pekarsky
MCDB, Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology, and Medical Genetics, Ohio State University
04:30-04:45pmDeveloping RNAi therapy for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
Lindsay M. Wallace, Sara E. Garwick, Alexandra Belayew, Frederique Coppee, Katherine J. Ladner, Denis Guttridge, Wenyan Mei, Jing Yang, Scott Q. Harper
MCDB, Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology and Medical Genetics, Ohio State University
04:45-05:00pmChanges in chromatin ubiquitination in the Human Genome through the Cell Cycle
Mansi S. Arora, Jie Zhang, George F. Heine, Hatice G. Ozer, Kun Huang, Jeffrey D. Parvin
MCDB, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Ohio State University
04:45-05:00pmGlobal Conformational dynamics of a model Y-family DNA polymerase
Brian A. Maxwell, Cuiling Xu, Jessica A. Brown, Zucai Suo
Biophysics Program, Department of Biochemistry, Ohio State University
04:45-05:00pmMicroRNA 17~92 transgenic mouse: a model to study the role of miRs in B cell development and their malignancies and miR-inhibitor based therapies.
Sukhinder Sandhu, Reid Neinast, Veronica Balatti, Francesca Lovat, Stefano Volinia, Yuri Perkarsky, Ramiro Garzon, Carlo Croce
MCDB, Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology and Medical Genetics, Ohio State University
05:00-05:15pmEpistasis analysis of BDNF and markers on 13q21 narrow down the critical region for the SLI3 locus, which increases susceptibility to specific language impairment in extended pedigrees.
T R. Simmons, J. F. Flax, A. S. Bassett, P. Tallal, L. M. Brzustowicz, C. W. Bartlett
MCDB, Battelle Center for Mathematical Medicine, The Research Institute at Nationwide Childrens Hospital
05:00-05:15pmNucleosome Remodeling by hMSH2-hMSH6
Sarah Javaid, Nidhi Punja, Alex Mooney, Mridula Manohar, Jennifer Ottesen, Michael Poirier, Richard Fishel
Biophysics Program, Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology, and Medical Genetics, Ohio State University
05:00-05:15pmA Novel Gsk-3-Dependent Mechanism Regulates DNA Methylation of Imprinted Genes
Anthony Popkie, Leigh Zeidner, Ashley Albrecht, Sigrid Eckardt, K. John McLaughlin, David Newsom, Peter White, Bruce Aronow, Joanna Groden, Christopher Phiel
MCDB, Center for Molecular and Human Genetics, The Research Institute at Nationwide Childrens Hospital
05:15-05:30pmATP cap controls RAD51 structural transitions required for strand exchange
Ravindra Amunugama, Kang-Sup Shim, Smiranda Wilcox, Jack Griffith, Robert Forties, Ralf Bundschuh, Richard Fishel
Biophysics Program, Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology, and Medical Genetics, Ohio State University
05:15-05:30pmSelective catalytic cleavage of the HIV-1 rev response element by Cu-ATCUN-Rev metallopeptides
Jeff C. Joyner, James A. Cowan
OSBP, Department of Chemistry, Ohio State University
05:15-05:30pmPlastid biogenesis requires the operation of a trans-thylakoid thio-reducing pathway.
Stephane Gabilly, Mohamed Karamoko, Vincent Corvest, Sabeeha Merchant, Patrice Hamel
MCDB, Departments of Molecular Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Ohio State University
Session VI: Mixer session (Cartoon meeting room)
05:30-06:30pmMixer and awards