2008 OSU Molecular Life Sciences
Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium
Poster abstracts
Clinical studies have suggested that the transverse relaxation rate R2* is a good measure of tissue iron content [1, 2]. However, R2* measurement is subject to B0-inhomogeneity-induced error in clinical scanners. At low field (1.5T and below), B0 inhomogeneity can either be ignored or approximated by a linear gradient, which corresponds to a sinc modulation [3]. Its nonlinearity becomes proportionally more important with the main magnetic field. In this study, we proposed a method to correct for quadratic B0 inhomogeneity and demonstrated it in a phantom study.
Materials and Methods
When the B0 inhomogeneity has the form: δB0 = B0 × (αz2 + βz) across a slice with slice thickness 2z0, the FID signal can be solved analytically as an ideal exponential decay modulated by a squared sum of sine and cosine Fresnel integrals.
B0 map and EPI test mode data were collected on a phantom built with 0.125~1mM MnCl2 solutions at a Philips Achieva 7T scanner. Three commonly used models were fitted to the data: monoexponential, monoexponential-plus-constant, and sinc-modulated exponential. R2* of MnCl2 solutions follow a linear relationship with Mn2+ concentrations. The slope coefficients were calculated in the presence and absence of B0 inhomogeneity, and compared by the relative differences (RD): RD = (absolute difference) / mean. All calculations were done with Matlab (Mathworks, Natick, MA).
RD’s of the three commonly used models are: 43%, 39%, 47%, and 10%. RD of the quadratic correction method is only 1/4 to 1/5 of those of the three commonly used models.
Discussion and Conclusion
We have demonstrated that B0 inhomogeneity induced effect can be remedied by measuring B0 map and conducting a quadratic correction.
[1] Haacke et al, MRI 2005, 23: 1-25;
[2] Wood et al, Blood 2005, 106: 1460-1465;
[3] Fernandez-Seara et al, MRM 2000, 44:358-366;
Keywords: MRI, T2, Postprocessing correction