Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Zoom and

Registration starts: March 15, 2021

Abstract submission deadline: April 23, 2021

Last day to register: April 22, 2021

The 2021 Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences Program and Center for RNA Biology Symposium will be held on Tuesday, May 5th as a virtual event on Zoom and Gather.

Invited External Speakers:
Dr. Anita Corbett from Emory University
Dr. Wendy Gilbert from Yale University
Dr. J. Robert Hogg from NIH

Invited Internal Speakers:
Dr. Amanda Hummon, Associate Professor in the Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Dr. Guramrit Singh, Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Molecular Genetics
Matias Montes, Center for RNA Biology Fellow in the lab of Dr. Dawn Chandler
Anisha Kalidindi, CMBP T32 Trainee in the lab of Dr. Karl Obrietan
Blake Szkoda, CMBP T32 Trainee in the lab of Dr. Venkat Gopalan

Contact information

For questions, contact Jennifer Hambach at


The Annual CMBP/CRB Symposium brings together faculty trainers, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and undergraduates representing a wide spectrum of the Life Sciences at Ohio State. In its tenth year of funding, the NIH CMB Training Program includes faculty and trainees from four related molecular life sciences graduate programs: Microbiology, Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology, Molecular Genetics, and the Ohio State Biochemistry Program. The RNA Center at OSU has a long history of interaction and active collaboration. Members of the Center for RNA Biology represent about a dozen Departments throughout OSU. There are natural synergies between these two groups and this symposium is an opportunity not only to showcase the research of CMB Training Program and RNA Center members but also to foster new interactions.