MethMAGE - Methylation Modeling Analysis using Generalized Estimating Equations ========= Contributors: David E Frankhouser Contact for questions: Ralf Bundschuh - David E Frankhouser - ----------- Publication ----------- PrEMeR-CG: Inferring Nucleotide Level DNA Methylation Values from MethylCap-Seq Data ----------- Authors ----------- David E. Frankhouser, Mark Murphy, James S Blachly, Jincheol Park, John Curfman, John C Byrd, Shili Lin, Guido Marcucci, Pearlly Yan, Ralf Bundschuh ----------- Description ----------- A complementary statistical method which utilizes the nucleotide-resolution meththylation data in the detection of differentially methylated regions (DMRs), genomic regions in which the methylation profile differs between different groups. This method is a domain-specific use of the Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE), as an analysis tool for ascertaining methylation differences in a way that utilizes the methylation value of individual CpG sites fully without resorting to averaging across a genomic feature of interest. ------- Scripts ------- ### ### - Takes a cgb file (see README in PrEMeR-CG), and a bed file providing genomic regions of interest. - Requires -Python Modules: os, sys, gzip, pickle, argparse, datetime, csv - Generates an mmroi file for the input cgb, which provides the methylation signal for each CpG that falls within the regions specified by the bed file usage: [-h] [--out OUT] [--cgb CGB [CGB ...]] [--bed BED [BED ...]] Generate mmroi files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --out OUT Output mmroi-output file name. --cgb CGB [CGB ...] input - cgb sample file name . --bed BED [BED ...] input - bed feature file name. ### ### - Takes two files, each containing a list of the paths to the samples for a group of ssnrois. The two groups will be compared. - Requires (Included. See NOTE 2 below) -Python Modules: rpy2, sys, marshal, os, gzip, string, matplotlib, numpy, - Output: -Generates two tables: 1) Output of every region from the bam file with all methylation statistics able to be tested for that region 2) identify differentially methylated regions. -Plots of every region that was able to be tested -Plots that summarize the standard error of the methylation signal vs the non-zero fraction of the CpGs contained within testable regions usage: [-h] [--plots_out PLOTS_OUT] [--Alabel ALABEL] [--Blabel BLABEL] [--out OUT] [--ssnroisA SSNROISA [SSNROISA ...]] [--ssnroisB SSNROISB [SSNROISB ...]] [--filter FILTER] [--logname LOGNAME] [--debug] Generate MethMAGE optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --plots_out PLOTS_OUT Output location for plots --Alabel ALABEL Optional Label for groupA --Blabel BLABEL Optional Label for groupB --out OUT Output file name. --ssnroisA SSNROISA [SSNROISA ...] Group A of ssnrois. --ssnroisB SSNROISB [SSNROISB ...] Group B of ssnrois. --filter FILTER List of IDs to use. --logname LOGNAME File name to use for log output. --debug Enable debug logging. ### ### - Main worker program for plot and file generation ----- NOTES ----- NOTE 1: is more or less a wrapper for Importing the binner as a compiled file increases performance. NOTE 2: module should be located in the same directory as See '' for alternatives.