Talk abstracts

Talk on Tuesday 10:20-10:40am submitted by Steffen Lindert

CryoEM-guided iterative molecular dynamics – Rosetta protein structure refinement protocol for membrane proteins

Steffen Lindert (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry)

Having reliable computational tools for predicting high-resolution protein structures from medium to near-atomic resolution cryoEM density maps becomes increasingly important in light of the recent rise in sub-nanometer resolution cryoEM density maps. While programs like EM-Fold, Rosetta or SSEBuilder can accurately predict protein models correct at the topology level - secondary structure elements will be in the correct positions of the density map -, the refinement of those models to atomic resolution remains a challenge in the field. Here we present an iterative Rosetta - Molecular Dynamics (MD) protocol, showing that iteration of Rosetta with an orthogonal sampling and scoring strategy can facilitate exploration of conformational space and build atomic resolution protein models. This protocol is guided by the cryoEM density map at all stages. We ran short cryoEM-guided MDFF simulations on models created by de novo folding of large proteins into cryoEM density maps to enable sampling of conformational space not directly accessible to Rosetta all-atom refinement and thus provide an escape route from conformational traps. This cryoEM-guided, combined MD - Rosetta protein structure refinement protocol overcomes some of the sampling limitations that each individual method is subject to. Nine benchmark proteins (soluble and membrane proteins) showed substantial improvement through three rounds of the iterative refinement protocol. In several cases, models with less than 1 Å RMSD to the native structure were built for proteins with more than 150 residues. Molecular dynamics is most efficient in applying subtle but important rearrangements within secondary structure elements, and is thus highly complementary to the Rosetta refinement which focuses on side chains and loop regions.
