Wednesday, May 8, 2019
The Ohio Union, U.S. Bank Conference Theater and Great Hall Meeting Room
Registration starts: March 13, 2019
Last day to register: April 24, 2019
Contact information
For questions, contact Jennifer Hambach at
The Annual CMBP/CRB Symposium
brings together faculty trainers, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers
and undergraduates representing a wide spectrum of the Life Sciences at Ohio
State. In its seventh year of funding, the NIH CMB Training Program includes
faculty and trainees from five related molecular life sciences graduate
programs: Biophysics, Microbiology, Molecular Cellular and Developmental
Biology, Molecular Genetics, and the Ohio State Biochemistry Program. The RNA
group at OSU has a long history of interaction and active collaboration and is
now recognized as an official university Center. Members of the Center for RNA
Biology represent about a dozen Departments throughout OSU. There are natural
synergies between these two groups and this symposium is an opportunity not
only to showcase the research of CMB Training Program and RNA Center members
but also to foster new interactions.