Poster abstracts

Poster number 57 submitted by Jeff Gaither

Predicting protein cooperativity in RNA

Jeff Gaither (Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University), Ralf Bundschuh (Departments of Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Hematology, The Ohio State University)

When a protein binds to a molecule of RNA, the structure of the RNA is often changed. In some cases this change encourages the binding of additional proteins, in a phenomenon known as protein cooperativity. We use the ViennaRNA software package to search for likely instances of protein cooperativity in the human 3' UTR region, using protein data taken from RNAcompete experiments. To our knowledge this would be among the first successful

Ray et al. A Compendium of RNA-binding motifs for decoding gene regulation. Nature, 2013/07/11.

Keywords: RBP, cooperativity, secondary structure