Welcome to the bioinformatics tools server
This is the entry page for all the bioinformatics tools offered by Ralf Bundschuh's
statistical physics
group at the Department of Physics of
The Ohio State University.
This page is still under construction. Below is a list of currently
offered tools.
the RNA pulling server: calculates force-extension
curves of RNA and ssDNA molecules, taking into full account of their
secondary structures based on the Vienna RNA package.
See also Terry
Hwa's server.
the hybrid parameter estimator: estimates
the parameters necessary to assign p-values to hybrid alignments.
the hybrid PSI-BLAST server: performs protein
sequence database searches with a version of PSI-BLAST that uses
suboptimal alignments in model building to improve sensitivity over
traditional PSI-BLAST
8/6/2001 Ralf Bundschuh